Celebrate the opulence of Appletons Wool Yarn in Heraldic Gold shades 841 to 844, a splendid example of the finest English wool craftsmanship. Famed for its superior durability, luster, and colorfastness, this yarn is a prime choice for crafting enthusiasts. Made from long-staple English wool, it offers a soft, silky texture, perfect for various artistic projects. Available in crewel (2 ply) and tapestry (4 ply) weights, it caters to diverse crafting needs. Committed to eco-friendliness, Appletons Wool Yarn is sustainably produced using natural fibers, free from harmful chemicals, ensuring safety and environmental care. Ideal for both beginners and seasoned artists, this yarn guarantees an exceptional crafting experience. Explore our complete Appletons Wool Collection and accurately choose your shades with our Shade Cards